what remains: the life and work of sally mann, i highly recommend that you should. i rented the documentary via netflix quite a while ago, but happened upon this series, available on youtube a few weeks ago.
she's been such an inspiration to me, from the very beginning. i hope that you enjoy it as much as i did.
wow, this film seems so incredible!! two filmmakers followed alec soth over a two-year period as he worked on his 'broken manual' project. chills just watching the trailer.
i have no idea when or where the film is going to show, but i can't wait to see it when it does.
please take some time to view alec sloth's work. it's so powerful and awesome and genuine and intimate and raw and just wow!! seeing work like this always makes me realize how very much learning and growing i have yet to do as a photographer.
a couple shots i love, from alec's broken manual project...
saw this on cup of jo today. there's a new documentary coming out (march 16th) about bill cunningham. so who's bill cunningham? this is bill cunningham! maybe you knew who he was, but i had no idea. and now...after watching the trailer, i absolutely can't wait to watch his documentary. i wish we had more bill cunninghams in this world. he seems pretty darn fabulous.
and darn it. these cool films never come to tampa. click here to see if the film is coming to a city near you.
although the site does say...
If you do not see your town listed please urge friends and family to request the film at your local arthouse venue. Arthouse theater owners/managers really like to know that their local audience is interested in a particular film. Theater managers can contact our theatrical booker Clemence Taillandier at clemence@zeitgeistfilms.com and we can work out a date to open the film.