42 before 43
another amazing year gone by.another year ahead to embrace. grateful for every day i have on this earth. to be with my family. to share. to love. and simply be... me.
and this year, i decided to make a list of 42 things i'd like to accomplish before my 43rd. so here we go...
the forty-two before forty-three list 1. rent an RV and travel across the country [or at least through a few states]. 2. go camping. 3. organize my office better. 4. visit france [shoot with & learn from a photographer i so greatly admire]. 5. deep clean the house. 6. take an iphone photo every day [for one month]. 7. send hand-written thank yous. 8. visit someone new. 9. sew something. 10. make sure my husband knows how much i love and appreciate him. 11. make every sunday a no technology day. 12. apply to nursing grad school. 13. take an art history class [or at least begin studying]. 14. play with my kids more. 15. wake up and journal every morning. 16. create a family grateful jar. 17. craft with the kids at least once a month. 18. shoot more underwater. 19. enroll in an ASL class with kiele. 20. be sure to appreciate and embrace every single day. 21. take a hop to germany. 22. write a letter to my mom. and my dad. 23. start [& I guess finish] my partial sleeve tattoo. 24. learn how to use my cameras or get rid of them [i have lots gathering dust]. 25. mark at least one thing off of my to-do least every single day. 26. read a classic novel. 27. make a video of my kids. 28. commission someone to video our family. 29. start going to church (sky has been begging). 30. visit a new church [of varying religions] every month. 31. add yoga to my workout routine | schedule. 32. spend more time outside. 33. get a florida driver's license. 34. cross-stitch something special. 35. actually use the herbs from my little herb garden. 36. set [& stick to] specific business hours [computer off when shop is closed]. 37. market my business better. 38. do a family trip to Hawaii [not sure france & hawaii can happen but still on the list]. 39. make a list of things we want to do while stationed in florida. 40. volunteer at the nearby homeless shelter. 41. focus on the right important things. 42. dream big[ger].
i haven't gotten very far with my bucket list [that i wrote on my 40th] but i'm hoping i have quite a few many, many years ahead to get through that list [which no longer seems to be on my blog so i'm posting it again]. i guess if i could accomplish one or two a year and live to be 80, i could do okay with my bucket list.
the bucket list
1. study a foreign language
2. sponsor a student
3. sail the Americas
4. backpack through Europe
5. have a solo exhibition
6. ride a train
7. go on a roadtrip with no predetermined destination
8. take a cooking course
9. run a half marathon
10. learn to play the guitar
11. go white water rafting
12. go to oktoberfest in germany
13. teach my children what is really important in life
14. visit all 50 of the united states
15. attend and graduate a fine arts program
16. volunteer as a family
17. build a habitat for humanity home
18. give back at every stop as we sail the Americas
19. don’t ever forget to say thank you and I love you
20. visit and help maggie doyne in Nepal, for as long as she needs me
21. photograph an orphanage or children in need
22. watch my children grow up and fully support their doing what they love (no mater what that might be)
23. own an mid-century modern home
24. keep in touch with my kids (at least once a week), after they leave our house
25. start a parent support group
26. present at a national DHH convention
27. make a difference in someone’s life (i mean really make a difference)
28. celebrate each and every day
29. heal my past
30. have dreadlocks
31. embrace aging
32. make a video for my children
33. read for 30 minutes every day
34. learn about all the different religions
35. tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him each and every day
36. never go to bed angry
37. send a handwritten note to each person that has inspired or supported me
38. take a sign language course with kiele
39. remember and recognize birthdays
40. truly and deeply appreciate
p.s. i just can't believe i'm 42.
thank you to my kids, who took these photos, to celebrate my 42nd. :-))
and kiele's amazing birthday gift painting of me. could a mother wish for anything more for her birthday? i am so blessed!!