a remarkable story...

a remarkable newly discovered collection of photographs. if you haven't seen, heard or read about vivian maier's story, please take some time to view the chicago tonight news clip (attached below) or you can read the story here, on chicago magazine. talking about the right person being in the right place at the right time.

self-portrait of vivian maier, from the john maloof collection

to think vivian maier's talent and photographic work is just now being discovered is crazy. her eye as a street photographer was amazing, in my humble opinion.  i can't wait to see how this all continues to unfold. and i hope one day to attend one of her exhibitions.

also, kickstarter has been collecting money to fund a feature length documentary film on vivian maier.  while it's already been fully funded, they're continuing to collect for another 70 days.  if you pledge a certain amount, you will receive a copy of the completed film and | or a copy of the book.  i pledged.  :-)

truly amazing!