here and now

while in north carolina, i also had the opportunity to photograph the corey family.  emily had attended our spring wallflower friends retreat and since then, she has talked to me quite a bit about the fact that she wanted family photos, but wasn't sure the time was right -- because her family wasn't complete.  they adopted L a couple years ago and have been hoping to get pregnant or adopt another child.  but then after reading my is there a perfect time post, she commissioned a family portrait session. we talked a lot while i was visiting, especially about how blessed they are to have L. they have such an incredible and special little family and i truly feel blessed to have been able to capture it for them.  we shared how important these family photos are -- right here and now -- even if their family continues to grow (which we hope it will).

it's another reminder to us be grateful and appreciate the here and now because that's all we're guaranteed.  who knows what the future has in store.  who knows what even tomorrow will bring our way.

thanks em, for inviting me into your home and making me feel so special.  thanks lee r for your patience, the amazing meal and the most awesome pineapple jalapeno drink ever.  thanks little L for being so spirited and reminding us all what life is all about.

here's a few shots of their family.

and a scanned polaroid shot i took of L.

and the same image, printed as a 20x20 print.  i so can't wait to see this framed in their house.  i seriously think i'm going to offer polaroids to every client.  they just make my heart so happy.