alive and well

...and stressed, overwhelmed, drained and exhausted. excuses. excuses.

that's all.

i don't know...same shit, different day. pretty much unchanged since my last blog post, hence my lack of blogging lately. of course, i've started about 10 blog posts since then -- all which came across as too bitchy. too whiney. too ungrateful. so it's now evolved to this.  pure and simple honesty.

i've been...

getting over being sick. server hijacking. workshop. workshop. and more workshop. switching cameras. nursing CEUs. house hunting. still no address in tampa. damn. special ed law researching. preparing for tampa school transition. MD appointments.  dentist appointments.  finding time to read the happiness project. trying to remember the little things that need to be accomplished every day. not shooting. hate not shooting. longing for spring and therefore, still hiding indoors. occasional blog surfing to avoid dealing with what i really should be dealing with.

did i mention itchy scalp. imposed by stress? maybe?

and then i read her blog and do my best to soak in every bit of her goodness and wonderful, amazing, incredible spirit.

and smack myself a hundred times. or more. and remind myself to stop bitching and whining.  remind myself how grateful i am for each and every bit of each and every day. shit...i'm grateful to be overwhelmed.

then i get back to simply plugging along. and knowing that in the end, it will all work out.

yes... it will all work out... just fine.

the end.

ETA: i came across this quote on my friend, carrie's, FB wall. oh how i love it... you don't have a soul. you are a soul. you have a body. - c.s. lewis