i actually had this post written a couple days ago and saved it as a draft. well, how fitting for me to publish it today, since i spent a great portion of today slaving over the revamping of my blog. okay, maybe i wasn't quite slaving but there were definitely some frustrating parts of the process (especially that part where i wrote some CSS code that made my entire blog and dashboard disappear). it's a never-ending cycle, you know--learn. grow. work. improve. evaluate. tweak. repeat... +++
on to the original post...
i'm so loving gap's new utility collection. have you seen it? i hope they fit as good as they look.
also, i find it fascinating that gap is now incorporating video into their online advertising. it was only a matter of time. soon enough video clips will be a part of every online site.
makes me think of this, which i recently read on seth godin's blog on an upcoming frustrating decade of change--
change: the infrastructure of massive connection is now real. people around the world have cell phones. the first internet generation is old enough to spend money, go to work and build companies. industries are being built every day (and old ones fading). the revolution is in full swing, and an entire generation is eager to change everything because of it. hint: it won't look like the last one with a few bells and whistles.
change. yes, change is good.
and today i am grateful for the necklace that the kids made and gave to me for christmas. i adore it so and will treasure it forever.