she believes in pretty dresses

today is friday. and friday means PE for sky. and that means, according to the letter that came home from sky's PE coaches, tennies and no dress (dresses are strongly discouraged on PE days). well in sky's world, that's one of the worst things that she could be told. i agreed to a skort. but then the shirt she chose to go with it was too long, according to sky. so i let her choose another, which also ended up being too long. but no further clothing changes were allowed.

tears poured because all she really wanted was a dress. the tantrum followed--a complete stomping up and down, yelling, sobbing tantrum. and for those of you who know sky personally...yes, i swear, it's true. the tantrum persisted for about 30 minutes (all the way to school) and resulted in a punishment--no dresses for a week. all her dresses (all 27 of them) were pulled out of her drawer and are sitting in a pile here on the living room floor. UGH!

i walked sky into the classroom today because when we arrived at her school, she was still sniffly, with puffy red eyes. the teacher immediately noticed and asked me what was wrong. we stepped into the hallway and i shared what happened. and then sky's teacher shared her dress story:

on the first day of school the kids did a self-portrait project. they drew their face on a paper plate and colored clothing (shirt and pants) and glued all the pieces together.  the project became a gift for the parents at the following day's open house. well i guess skyler asked her teacher, ms. A, if she had any skirts sky could color b/c she would NEVER wear a pair of pants. which is the exact reason i have been buying lots of leggings--for sky to wear in kansas' winter months, under her DRESSES!

and then today i found this most wonderful original painting on etsy, perfect for my skyler, who so believes in pretty dresses! i ordered this print for sky's room, along with two others.  you can see all of di's available paintings here on etsy. i adore them all!

and when sky gets home from school, the thing she loves to do most is change out of her school dress and into a princess dress.

man, there are so many fabulous treasures to be found on etsy, another place i could spend a whole lot of time. happy friday!