happy thoughts

inspired by the uber-cool blog, the rockstar diaries, i decided to post a few of my favorite things.  and considering the slightly bumpy journey we're currently on, i need to be visiting to those places that make me uber-happy as much as i can. so...without further ado, here are my 10 favorite things:

1. thinking about the days when i will sail away with my family, for a year--traveling the americas, free from everything that holds us down, everything that holds us back. 2. shooting my polaroid camera 3. the fabulous drawings and letters made and given to me by my kids 4. thinking about how wonderful my husband is, how much he loves me and what an incredible father he is to our children (one of them not even his) 5. music 6. a handwritten anything 7. giving back, which not only makes me happy but feeds my soul 8. true, real, passionate love 9. the thought that i have inspired someone 10. having our family together and complete!!

when times are tough, it's especially important to do, visit, remember, dream of the things that make us the happiest (even if i don't look so happy in the picture below :-) ).  looking forward to hearing about your favorite things.