adopt the pace of nature;her secret is patience. - ralph waldo emerson
i've never been a very patient person. it's something i seek to improve upon, as we bring in this new year. actually, it's something i always seek to improve upon. maybe one of these days i'll figure it out.
as i speak about patience... we have a little over four months to go. four months of being both mother and father to my three kids. four months of the kids missing their daddy. i try not to complain though, as so many others are doing it and doing so in much more difficult conditions than i. and when i sit back and really think about it...i can't believe that almost three months has gone by...we've survived and we're doing well. we have our moments but all in all...really, we're doing well.
i received an email from steve today, sharing with me that he's sorry that he didn't get back to me sooner, but he was busy building a rock climbing wall. and a few days ago, i received the photos below, from iraq. i love that the guys are making the best of things out there. steve is working super hard, yet having a good time--and i wouldn't want it any other way.
i hope everyone had a safe and happy new year's eve. here's to a fantastic 2009!