the purple drink

if you follow me on facebook or twitter, you've probably already heard me talk about the purple drink.  but i love it so much, i had to share here too.  we were originally introduced to the purple drink by my sweet new zealand friend, peta, last spring.  she's a vegetarian and actually introduced me to all kinds of fabulous, healthy vegetarian foods. the purple drink is kind of a variation of a green smoothie. if you haven't heard of green smoothies, here's a recipe from dr. oz, from oprah, and i came across this recipe list of green everything.  if you google green smoothie recipe, you can find tons more.

someone on facebook recently dared others to read the green smoothies diet book, which has been added to my to-read list, but i have a few other books i'd like to read first.

our smoothie quickly became known as the purple drink because we always include strawberries and blueberries, making it dark purple in color.  prior to my recent vitamix purchase, i always made our smoothie with: soy milk banana frozen blueberries frozen strawberries huge handful or two of spinach blend and top with lowfat granola and fresh strawberries and/or bananas.

now that i have a vitamix, i've starting changing and adding different fruits and vegetables (not sure why it took the vitamix to try some of the fruits below): carrots broccoli pineapple avocado apples mango

i'm really excited to experiment with kale, parsley and romaine lettuce too.  kale is something i normally don't like at all.

also, a friend recently told me about almond breeze and i now use it instead of soy milk. my family enjoys drinking the almond breze by itself too. me...i'm not a milk drinker.

i share this because i have never been a huge fruit or veggie eater and now i'm getting daily fruits and vegetables and so loving it (the purple drink). and my kids love it too.  :-) should try it!!

here's a pic i took yesterday, for my grateful 365 project--grateful for peta sharing about the purple drink and my new vitamix.

happy one-month dread birthday

since i'm on a blog posting roll today...and i just realized that today, i've had my dreads a month... and i've been wanting to share a dread update... well...

i love my dreads!! i really and truly love them. and i totally feel that i'm meant to have them; i don't regret the decision for a second. and i hope to have them for many years to come, especially since i hear that they just get better and better with time.

even some of the biggest doubters have been pleasantly surprised, when seeing them. so they say. or so they lie to me. my family seems to ummm...not really mind them. i can't say that they love them as much as i do, but they seem to be tolerating them quite nicely.

the other day, i had this conversation with ryder, while in the car: ryder: momma, your hair always looks crazy. me: i know, but isn't it awesome. ryder: it's crazy. me: lol.

and today, i read this book to sky's first grade class and talked about the beauty of being unique and embracing your differences. and then shared all about my dreads, which was fun.

for those interested... i wash my dreads once a week. and wash the loose front hair every other day. i do dread maintenance pretty much every day. and probably do too much.  there's these loops that happen within the dreads, which i crochet back in...although it's not really crocheting like you're thinking. and my roots. well, my hair seems to dread (mat, knot, etc.) on it's own rather easily...almost a bit too easy. i recently had a couple dreads start to mat together at the roots (and that's with me trying to keep up with them). separating them was not easy...and hurt. i know there's some folks that just let dreads mesh together when that happens; however, i think all of mine would do that if i let them.  and because my hair is baby fine, i don't have a lot of dreads to begin with. needless to say, i'll be paying close attention to my dreads trying to connect themselves together.

all in all, i think i have the front managed pretty well (whatever that means). the back of my head...let's just say, it isn't the prettiest (whatever that means). today, i actually came to terms with the fact that the back kind of looks like this...

i took these today with my iphone, for a friend.

this photo highlights my trouble spot in the back of my head. the spot that was trouble even pre-dreads. it's the one spot that i must roll around on throughout the night. pre-dreads, i would wake up with that spot completely flattened and matted--every. single. morning. the same thing continues; however, now none of the dreads want to lay over (cover) the spot.

one thing i've learned is that no matter how many photos of other people's dreads you look at, yours will most likely end up looking different than all of them.  your dreads...are your dreads and yours alone.

and well. i love that. and i love my dreads. i really, really do.  i'm totally happy with my dread-do.  and i guess that makes me one big happy carrot top!  :-)

let me introduce you a most fabulous artist and friend, erin darcy. she has a magical personality, a soulful, beautiful spirit, an incredible way with words and is so darn talented. yes, i am in love with erin...and her work. i recently commissioned erin to do a piece of art for my house, which she's still working on. and later a camera girl--an idea i had, for our upcoming workshop retreat.  well camera girl quickly evolved into a series of camera girls, which will be available for purchase, in erin's etsy boutique, soon.  hopefully in the next few weeks.

i adore every bit of erin's work and would be proud to own and display any one (or all) of her pieces (if only i had more wall space).

please take a minute to check out erin's artwork here. so perfect for christmas gifts (and she's offering free shipping through the holidays)!!

and... here is me, as a camera girl--so magically envisioned and created by erin! i love her.

oh. my. gosh.

have you heard of this movie?seen the trailer?

i hadn't, until my friend steph just told me about it (thanks steph!).

oh my gosh! oh my gosh! oh my gosh! [chills]

i so can't wait till this movie comes out!

oh man! i just realized that this movie was released 15 october 2009. the closest place it's playing to me, is 240 miles away. it's now already saved in my netflix queue.'s based on a true story. sigh!

today's treasure

kiele emailed me this letter (below) this morning.  i know i talk a lot about being thankful, but when you get treasures like this (often), how can one not be thankful! The Schwedhelm and Marston Kids Letter to Santa

October 4, 2009 Dear Santa,

This year, Skyler, Ryder and I (Kiele) would like everything listed below for Christmas.

Skyler’s List- 1.More Jewelry (charms for my little charm neckless, more pink necklesses, light pink heart earings, dark pink circle earings, lots of nice looking necklaces) 2.Pink picture frame of Amaya and I from San Diego 3.Some Treehouse chapter books for me to read 4.To be able to do ballet lessons (if I do get to do it can I have some shoes and a suit?) 5.A salon day (to get my hair and nails done!!!) 6.How to make different hairdos book 7.A pink flower clip for my hair 8.A cute little pink, diamond purse and wallet

Ryder’s List- 1.Transformers 2. G.I. Joe toys 3.Squirt guns 4.Books (Star Wars, Snakes, Spider) 5.Some superhero movies (spiderman,superman,star wars,batman and transformer) 6.A black picture frame of me and morgan and maddox 7.Hot wheel cars with cool, different tracks

Kiele’s List- 1.Letter kit, so I can try to save some animals (a cute kit to make pretty cards and envelopes) 2. Cute clothes (little scarf like Sky’s pink one) 3. Some things out of the PB teen magazine 4. To be able to take care of horses 5. To see my BFF Natalie for Christmas 6. If I’m lucky a pet HORSE!!!!!!!

The Pet’s List- 1. A long leash so Charley can play in the front yard 2. Some yummy dog treats!!! 3. A plant in the fish bowl (for Pumpkin and Autumn) 4. Maybe new toys 5. Tasty toothpaste that Charley actually likes

Thank you for all the presents you provide us every year. Love you and we can’t wait for Christmas day. You will get plenty of milk and chocolate cookies on chistmas eve. Bye Santa.

From: Kiele Marston, Skyler and Ryder Schwedhelm and Charley, Autumn and Pumpkin Schwedmar (a combination of Schwedhelm and Marston)


the original letter is much more fun and decorative--with drawings, fancy writing and all.  santa will for sure be getting this letter, even if it was written almost three months in advance.

and of course, a photo, to accompany the letter.  took this with my iphone today.  and when i did, kiele said,

why are you taking photos with your phone all the time now and not your camera?

well... that's because my camera and two lenses are getting cleaned, checked and repaired, if needed, at canon (irvine, CA).  i'm also working with steve's laptop because my computer is on the fritz...needs a new video card.  definitely grateful for steve's laptop as a backup, but i miss my mac pro!

hmmm...i guess i should have included charley and the fish in this pic but oh well.  and as kiele says, peace out!

finding inspiration

you can find inspiration in everything. and if you can't, look again.- paul smith

my san diego trip was awesome. short but so, so awesome. shot amazing families and was able to spend some time with great friends. both families i photographed have incredible stories, which i was going to write about below, but i think i'll highlight them in their own blog posts this coming week.

when i walked into the C family's home, for their session, i immediately noticed a book, standing tall and beautifully displayed on their bookshelf--you can find inspiration in everything, by paul smith. of course, i was immediately drawn to the title and the cover is pretty delightful looking too.

when i was getting ready to leave, i was handed the book as a gift, with the following inscription:

To Deb, So true, you can always find inspiration in people. You are so special and talented. Hugs, N, M & K

what a glorious, thoughtful gift. i put it in my backpack and read it the entire flight home. i'm now halfway through and it's an awesome book. i absolutely love it! paul smith is an extremely successful fashion designer and photography hobbyist in england. he shares his journey and life insights throughout the book. here's just a few things that he's shared, which i love: i love life. i feel very privileged. i sometimes think i'm going to step into the street and get hit by a bus because i've had so many brilliant days for so long. i think: "why have i been so lucky?" i never assume anything. i never assume that i'm always going to be healthy, or happy, or that business is always going to be successful. those things keep me grounded.

over the years so many designers who are better than me have come and gone. i think what i have, and what they didn't have, was the ability to turn ideas into marketable ideas. i don't think i'm an exceptional designer. i think i've always been consistently good, which i feel is an achievement. i'd really just like to be remembered as a nice bloke.

it's very easy to think you've made it; i'm doing very well--my business has a turnover of about 315 million pounds--but i don't consider that i can ease off. i'm still happy to work very hard because i love it and because in this game you have never made it.

you have to keep your sense of self or else there's little point in carrying on.

i'm not motivated by power or money. what i am motivated by is just a brilliant day. every day.

along with being a good read, he shares magical bits of goodness and there's even some cool photography. so thank you C family...from the bottom of my heart, i thank you! a treasured gift indeed, which proudly graces my living room coffee table.


and then on the flight home, i was glancing through spirit, the airplane magazine, and came across an article entitled your entrepreneur handbook. and it was there that i read this powerful message:

chase the vision, not the money. make sure that your business has a greater purpose beyond the bottom line. figure out what you'd be so passionate about doing that you'd be happy doing it for 10 years even if you made no money from it. and then go do it. the ironic thing is that if you are actually chasing the vision and not the money, the money will follow because your customers and employees will be able to sense your passion, and they will want to help you succeed.

the words were from tony hsieh, founder of zappos, when he was asked, what is the best advice you can give a new entrepreneur?

OH MY GOSH! how this speaks to me. his words are so true and powerful.

discover your passion and go for it. love what you're doing. be happy. have a greater purpose. and you will never look back.

san diego sessions

i'm excited to be making lots of trips back to san diego to shoot ( end of august, mid and end of september and the end of october). i had a number of clients email over the past few months, sharing that they wanted to reserve a fall session. after booking all the clients that had previously emailed, i still have a few sessions available. september 25th 8 AM september 25th 5 PM

please email me (, if interested in reserving one of the above session dates.

also, i have a client that emailed me the other day and wants to fly me to san diego to photograph her family. i'm still working on my exact flight plans but i will have one or two sessions available the weekend of september 11th. if you are interested in a session that weekend, please email.

good bye san diego

distance never separates those that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. but whenever i start feeling sad because i miss you, i remind myself how lucky i am to have someone so special to miss.- author unknown here i sit, in a surreal state, as i listen to the crunch of the papers and the screech of the tape behind me...the movers packing the last of the remaining framed prints that once proudly graced our walls.  most everything is now packed and ready to be loaded on the truck tomorrow role in this moving chaos is now mostly complete.  our suitcases are ready and stashed in the designated "don't pack zone", soon to be loaded in our cars.  our time in our san diego house, the one we called home for the past 4 1/2 years, is done.  we will stay elsewhere tonight and the our adventure begins.

are we really leaving? has our time in san diego really come to a close? really?

sometimes i can't believe our time in san diego has come to a close but it has. i keep my fingers crossed that we will return in the next nine years--the time steve has left before he retires. and maybe if i cross them really, really tight, we'll be back in a year, after steve's school is finished in KS.


i was just called away.  the mover...calling me with a packing question, in the back room. as i walk down the hall, i see my kids, in an empty room--all but the dressers and TV--as they watch cartoons.  they do this, as their world around them is packed up in a variety of boxes, rather immune to it all. me...i guess at this point, i'm kind of numb. or rather a mix of emotions--none of them able to fully express themselves.

okay, maybe the kids are not so ryder just had another crying tantrum, something he has become quite fond of over the past couple weeks.  i can't help to think that these tantrums stem from this current unknown and disruption in his life. this is all so hard to grasp for the kids. skyler last moved at 18 months and ryder, one month old.


i said my good-byes to most. well sort of, in my own cowardly way. if you read this post, you know what i'm talking about. and no shawn, that's *not* why i didn't show up for the dance fest on saturday. ;-)

i don't know. i've done this six other times and it still feels weird. i kind of don't even know what to say at the moment except...moving sucks.

i'll leave you with some polaroids of a few of my favorite san diego things--favorite for one reason or another. i'm planning to do a formal san diego favorites post, when i have more time and can do the post more justice (once settled in KS).

and you can follow our travels, from san diego to kansas city, by following me here, on twitter. i have my phone twitterfied and will be posting our happenings throughout the days...throughout the miles. if you don't know what twitter is, read about it in the june 5th edition of time magazine or you could just read it here!  come on.  just do it...follow me.

hope to see you again soon san diego.  thanks for being so good to us.



just do something! vote for maggie doyne, one of the five DO SOMETHING AWARDS finalists.

i came across maggie doyne's blog quite a while ago and have posted about her quite a few times now. i've never met her...or even talked to her. but she inspires me to be greater, do greater and believe in myself and my dreams.

and so now...i hope that i can inspire you to go vote for this amazing young girl, who is doing her part to change the world. and if you don't, at least go check out her blog because, after reading the amazing things she has accomplished in her short twenty-two years (that all started with her saved $5000 of babysitting money), you will probably change your mind and go vote. 

so just do it... go vote.  

go here. click on vote now. find maggie's video (4th one).  and click on the thumbs up.  you can vote every day, from now until june 4th.  and then...tell others to vote. please! :-)

we need more maggie doyne's in this world.  and at a minimum, we need to spread the word about what this amazing young woman has accomplished and continues to do.


follow your heart

follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. ask questions, then feel the answer. learn to trust your heart.- author unknown

follow your heart. how do you want your kids to remember you, when you had to deal with adversity? it's one small year out of the rest of your life. you can do this. have faith.

...only a few of the words of support that have recently been shared with me, as we continue to discuss, plan, flip-flop, consider and reconsider.

even though i shared that it was official that steve is going to KS by himself, we still have one more day of hope--as steve is calling tomorrow to tell the landlord if he's renting or not (steve had found a rental house and gathered two other geo-bachelor roommates, to live together in town). so my mind has been absolutely consumed with thoughts regarding should we stay...should we go. trying to figure out what's right. what is best.  and making myself sick with scenarios. 

is it possible that my heart could be split in two--a side that believes it's best to stay and the other that believes it's best to go--each side beating equally as strong, but in complete opposite directions. and are my heart and gut one in the same?

i've never quite felt this way. just sick with not knowing. i wish i could simply follow my heart. i wish it was that easy. but it's not. steve and i talk to one another about the situation multiple times a day. and talk with the kids, that we're still having a hard time deciding. we're open with them...that this is hard.  really, really hard.

i close with a quick polaroid i took of steve and the little ones yesterday.


...through the eyes of my children.

me. and my camera. drawn by my middle child. skyler. age 5.

how i love it so.

i did the following interviews for a facebook thing that was going around. the kids' answers so cracked me up and will forever be treasured. i'm planning on doing the same questions for the kids to answer about steve...the interviews will be great for our this year's family book.

KID INTERVIEW ONE : the eleven year old

1. How would you describe me? Nice mother most of the time. And you’re sweet and caring. And you like to spend a lot of time on the computer working on your work.

2. What makes me happy? When the kids and I are good.

3. What makes me sad? When Steve leaves and yea, I think that’s it.

4. What is something I always say to you? Hmmm. I don’t know. I don’t really pay attention to that.

5. What makes me laugh? When Skyler, Ryder and I are being silly and Steve is being silly...that makes you happy.

6. How old am I? 48

7. How tall am I? I say like 5 ½ feet.

8. What is my favorite thing to do? Work on the computer be relaxed with the family.

9. What do you think I do when you're not around? Work on the computer and relax around the house and do your own kind of thing. Whatever you want to do. Yea. Oh...and talk on the phone.

10. If I became famous one day, what do you think it would be for? would be for your great work in photography b/c you’re really good at it. And b/c you’re caring. And you take care of things so they are done on time. And you’re organized.

11. What am I really good at? Typing on the computer, talking on the phone, and your photography work and taking care of the kids and I.

12. What am I not so good at? You’re not good at liking animals.

13. What is my job? Being a photographer, taking care of the kids and I and taking care of the house.

14. What is my favorite food? Ummmm. Stuff that Steve cooks?

15. What do I do that makes you proud? You’re a great mother and you take care of us really good and you’re a great photographer.

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? Why? You would be...Cinderella. Umm...b/c you like do a lot of work. And then you look like Cinderella and if you became sad and your Godmother came, you would ask to go to the ball.

17. What do you love to do with me? Have fun with you and ummm...go to places with you, where we can have fun.

18. How are you and I the same? We both look the same and we love Lucky Brand and...ummm...and...ummm...we both take care of the kids. We both have a bad sense of humor. Yea, I think that’s it.

19. How are you and I different? I like animals—you don’t. You are really good at math and I am not. And...I like traveling a ton and you don’t travel as much.

20. How do you know I love you? Because you’re kind and caring and you take great care of me and make sure I get a great education. And you take care of Charley when I’m gone. Wait...that doesn’t mean you love me. Forget that part.

21. What do you think I like most about Stevie? He’s a great step-Dad and Dad. He’s really good at making furniture. He’s really caring. He makes great dinners.

22. Where is my favorite place to go? That would be...hmmmm...what is this anyway. Your favorite place to go is...some store. Clothes stores, yea. And to go someplace with the family and be together.

23. What’s your favorite thing about me? That you’re a great Mom. You do clean the house. You take care of Charley even though you don’t really like him. What is the question again? And you’re a great Mom. And you’re a great photographer even though you can be frustrating. take good care of the kids and I. Yea.

24. If you could change one thing about me, what would you change? Ummmm...I would change...I would make you have a good sense of humor.

25. Do you know how much I love you? A lot. A lot. A lot. A lot. Until the million gazillion of numbers end and the super duper far away places end. Yea...that's how much.


KID INTERVIEW TWO : the five year old

Okay, my turn...Should I sit on your lap or something?

1. How would you describe me? What does describe mean? You like wearing shirts and pants. And ummm...that you love me.

2. What makes me happy? Ummm...when we be nice to each other and place nice.

3. What makes me sad? When we be mean.

4. What is something I always say to you? No.

5. What makes me laugh? When we be funny.

6. How old am I? Ummm...I don’t know. (Can you guess?) No.

7. How tall am I? Big.

8. What is my favorite thing to do? Take us to the park.

9. What do you think I do when you're not around? Take pictures.

10. If I became famous one day, what do you think it would be for? Ummm...umm...I don’t know.

11. What am I really good at? Um...being nice.

12. What am I not so good at? I don’t really know. (There’s nothing that you’re Momma’s not good at?) Yea.

13. What is my job? To make dinner.

14. What is my favorite food? Those sandwiches. Those sandwiches with the crunched up meat inside. I don’t really remember what they’re really called.

15. What do I do that makes you proud? Umm...when you wear dresses because you never wear dresses really.

16. If I were a cartoon character, who would I be? Why? I don’t really know. (You watch lots of must know someone). I can’t really think of someone.

17. What do you love to do with me? Play with you and go to the park.

18. How are you and I the same? Cuz me and you kind of have brown hair.

19. How are you and I different? Only thing I can think of is cuz you like shirts and pants and I like dresses.

20. How do you know I love you? Ummm...cuz sometimes I be good.

21. What do you think I like most about daddy? Ummm...that he’s good.

22. Where is my favorite place to go? PF Changs.

23. What’s your favorite thing about me? That you sometimes take us to the park.

24. If you could change one thing about me, what would you change? Ummm...I don’t know.

25. Do you know how much I love you? A whole, whole, whole lot!


KID INTERVIEW THREE : the four year old

1. How would you describe me? I don’t know. (Come on...think of something.) You look like momma.

2. What makes me happy? Ummm...If we be good.

3. What makes me sad? If we be bad.

4. What is something I always say to you? I don't know.

5. What makes me laugh? When we tickle you.

6. How old am I? I don’t know.

7. How tall am I? Six feet.

8. What is my favorite thing to do? Be happy.

9. What do you think I do when you're not around? I don’t know.

10. If I became famous one day, what do you think it would be for? Because you will have a dress on.

11. What am I really good at? Getting jammies.

12. What am I not so good at? Doing nothing.

13. What is my job? To stay home.

14. What is my favorite food? Healthy food.

15. What do I do that makes you proud? You’re my mommy.

16. If I was a cartoon character, who would I be? Why? Nobody. Somebody, who I don’t know.

17. What do you love to do with me? Go to the park.

18. How are you and I the same? Cuz God made us the same.

19. How are you and I different? Because God makes us different.

20. How do you know I love you? Cuz I wuv you.

21. What do you think I like most about daddy? I don’t know.

22. Where is my favorite place to go? To dinner.

23. What’s your favorite thing about me? Cuz I wuv you.

24. If you could change one thing about me, what would you change? I don’t know.

25. Do you know how much I love you? Shakes his head no. Can I be done now? (I guess I’m going to have to work on this one.)


all photographs are there to remind us what we forget--as in other way--they are the opposite of paintings. paintings record what the painter remembers. because each one of us forgets different things, a photo more than a painting may change its meaning according to who is looking at t.- john berger, b. 1926

as i was looking for a quote for today's post, i came across the above quote above and i found it interesting because one of things that i often think about is a photograph's role in history. political history. family history. whatever history.

digital cameras and even photoshop play such a role in today's photography. is the photograph that we're seeing what was truly captured on camera? chances are probably not. and then you see the news photographs, where it's obvious that they did a shitty photoshop job. even in the most recent issue of W magazine, there was a spread of photographs of angelina jolie was shared, taken by none other than brad pitt. the photos looked like film and were awesome (you should check out the magazine) but the thought crossed my mind--is that how they came out of the camera? was the final presented image what brad had intended. my guess is that it's not. my guess is that the exposure was corrected and the images were cropped, some to a greater extent than others. but i tell you, the images make brad pitt look like a damn great photographer. Â

our photographs of today will be shared with our generations of tomorrow, yet we are deciding in a huge way, what is presented to our generations. the question is, will it be an accurate presentation.

for example--i could put things in a photo that were never really there? i could make a person look 10 pounds thinner and 10 years younger or even remove all wrinkles all together. i could change the color of someone's shirt (which i actually did for the cover of military spouse magazine). and how many times do we delete photos we've taken of our family and friends just because we didn't like it (not because it was a grossly bad photograph). we keep the ones we choose to keep. we are choosing and creating what we share. only the good ones? only the ones where X looks good? what has happened to sharing the reality of the every day as it actually happened? as i share these thoughts, i'm guilty of this myself.

and i'm sure to some extent, the purging of bad photographs happened in the past, with film cameras, but my guess is that it didn't happen nearly as much and one purged for different reasons (at least i know that's how it was for me). of course, we didn't take as many photographs with film cameras either.

i don't know. i just think that our photographs of today could in some way be altering our history of tomorrow instead of representing things as they actually were. what do you think?


and here's to hope for tomorrow.

what a day yesterday was! we are living through quite the news stories, aren't we?! history in the making. i was excited for obama and sad for mccain. i'm kind of wimpy that way, for anyone that publicly loses. obama is entering office at a tough time--let's hope that he remains as strong and inspiring as he is today. he's offered us dreams of hope and change; now lets see him put those dreams into action and move america in a positive direction. what a year this next year is going to be.


we got to speak with steve the other day and he is safe and doing well. he's extremely busy but enjoying his time over there. and i'm happy that he is. i mean if he has to deploy, he might as well be enjoying himself. Â for those of you that don't know, steve is an explosive ordnance disposal officer and is currently deployed in iraq.

us...well, it depends on the day you ask me. many days, i would tell you that we're doing great. but then some days, i feel overwhelmed, drained and frustrated having to do everything by myself. the past couple of days have been the latter. yesterday was one of those days that i fussed at my kids too much and was mad at myself that i did. but this morning, i woke up energized for a better day.

here's an unclassified shot of steve, in iraq, at their change of command ceremony (obviously this is not a photo i took). Â the guys that steve's group is replacing had been there for 15 long months. Â i have it good, with steve ONLY being gone seven months.