7 February | Our Little Woods

A brief visit to the house that will soon be ours. Our house in the little woods. I still cannot believe how this house fell in our lap in a roundabout way but I wholeheartedly believe in the Universe and serendipity. I was certain this house was going to be ours (or at least that we had to make an offer on it) when the seller enthusiastically shared, "this house has great Karma", as we walked out the door after looking at the house for the first time.

For the moment, I dream of us living in that home -- knowing that dream-come-true is right around the corner.


5 February | Every Day

Walking. Two miles, four miles, five miles. I try to walk him every day. He loves it and it's my therapy.

I love:
the fresh air
my podcast time
noticing things
the time with my thoughts
the exercise
waving to the passer-byes
the peace of it all

Charley's getting up there in age. He's 11 and his age is showing when he walks. His back legs uncontrollably quiver. It doesn't seem to bother him and I try not to be bothered but every now and then my mind wanders to the day that our walks might be too much. And then I refocus to the present and how much we both love our walk.


1 February | Evening Light in the Bedroom

I've been thinking a lot about this house. We will only have lived here for nine months by the time we move in March. Knowing this house was very temporary, I never really connected with this house. Yet is suddenly feels like I'm noticing the light, as if it was calling to be documented and not forgotten. In my heart, I know this house deserves to be documented; it's an important, yet short, part of the chapter. 
